Discover who I am as a person aside from being a developer
A few fun facts about myself
I am a proud Texan and a Mumbaikar at heart. UH Alumni. Apple is my thing. Big Digital OCD. I love B-Dubs. Not much into beer. Raddler is my thing. I am my own boss. Big coffee addict. Royal Enfield owner. Not a huge fan of sports. Love to read whenever free. Keyboard player. I miss Harry Potter.
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More about me ..
I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Electronics Engineering from the University of Mumbai and moved out to the States for pursuing a Master's degree. I've always been passionate about creating new kickass things and exploring new options. My Master's degree got me my first job in Houston, Texas as a MATLAB developer.
Though the entrance in the industry wasn't related to my field of study, my path as a MATLAB developer led me to shift my focus from Electronics to Computer. In the early 6 months, I mastered coding and debugging/writing code became a piece of cake for me. Working in a startup company, I got the exposure I needed with scripting, as well as product building, workflow optimizing. Soon I started managing people as well as recruiting them.
United States of America is an amazing country, full of opportinities. It has helped me mastering the art of figuring things out. Shifting back to India, was one of the most difficult decisions of my life. Some personal reasons compelled me to move back and restart things from scratch.
With that said, it's been well over 6 months since I left the comfort of my high-paying full-time job back in October of 2017 as a Manager. Until now, I've been conducting business under my personal name and am a full-time freelancer.
March 14, 2018